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Outpatient Use of Inhaled Loxapine as a Tool of Hospital Diversion

Psych Congress 2016

This poster was presented at the 29th Annual U.S. Psychiatric & Mental Health Congress, held October 21-24, 2016, in San Antonio, Texas. ​

Current pharmacological treatment for agitated patients with bipolar or schizophrenic patients is not optimal when concerning cost, length of treatment, and adverse side effects. As an inhaled second generation antipsychotic, Inhaled Loxapine (Adasuve) offers a solution through providing rapid, cost-effective relief without a high side effect profile. Currently, a majority of inhaled loxapine administration occurs in the hospital setting as administration is restricted by a REMS protocol to counter the slight possibility of bronchospasm. However, DENT Neurologic Institute created and instituted an outpatient protocol to administer inhaled loxapine in an outpatient setting.  DENT has successfully administered inhaled loxapine to completely alleviate agitation in 15. One such case included a 59 year old male bipolar I patient who received 2 administrations of Inhaled Loxapine, including 1 off-label dose without any adverse reactions. With this success, DENT Neurological Institute hopes to avoid hospitalization in many of it's agitated patients consequently improving patient outcomes through reducing costs and treatment duration. 



